Friday, October 20, 2006


It is truly amazing how widely overused extreme adjectives (i.e. "amazing") have become. People have overused "awesome" for years; beat into the ground "unbelievable" and even pummeled "fabulous" and "wonderful" into a bloody pulp. I find it to be a tremedously embarrassing exhibition of the modern conversationist's limited vocabulary.

If a person would honestly look at the meaning of the words he is so brutally overusing, he would see the grand manner in which he is overstating most, if not all, of his experiences and exclamations.

Please take note of the overuse of the following "usual suspect" lineup and allow yourself to sound more intelligent by implementing their proper use in your own every day language. People may be amazed at howintellectual you sound!

amazing: to overwhelm with sudden wonder, astonish treatly, perplexing, bewildering

astounding: capable of overwhelming with amazement; stunningly surprising, to astonish or bewilder

awesome: inspiring awe, expressing awe (awe is defined as an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures.)

exceptional: forming an exception or rare instance; unusual; extraordinary, unusually excellent; superior

extraordinary: beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established, exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable

incredible: so extraordinary as to seem impossible, not credible; hard to believe; unbelievable

magnificent: making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc., extraordinarily fine; superb, noble; sublime

outstanding: prominent; conspicuous; striking, marked by superiority or distinction; excellent; continuing in existence; remaining unsettled, unpaid, etc., standing out; projecting

phenomenal: highly extraordinary or prodigious; of or pertaining to phenomena. of the nature of a phenomenon; cognizable by the senses.

remarkable: of the nature of a phenomenon; cognizable by the senses. worthy of notice or attention.

spectacular: of or like a spectacle; marked by or given to an impressive, large-scale display. dramatically daring or thrilling

stunning: causing, capable of causing, or liable to cause astonishment, bewilderment, or a loss of consciousness or strength; of striking beauty or excellence

terrific: extraordinarily great or intense; extremely good; wonderful; causing terror

unbelievable: too dubious or improbable to be believed; so remarkable as to strain credulity; extraordinary

wonderful: excellent; great; marvelous, of a sort that causes or arouses wonder; amazing; astonishing

I find it interesting how these "extreme" adjectives find themselves as part of each others' definitions in many cases. That is possibly because they are so select that they belong in a less frequently used class of their own.

1 comment:

HS said...

You left out "kick ass, effing awesome, rockin'," and my personal favorite, "bedazzled."